Department of Economics, University of British Columbia

997-1873 East Mall, Vancouver,

British Columbia, V6T1Z1

Tel: (604) 822-5661




Dissertation Title: Essays on the Theory of Organization and Information Transmission.

Main Advisor: Professor B. Douglas Bernheim, Department of Economics


B.A. (Middle Eastern Studies), MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY, Moscow, Russia



Game Theory


Industrial Organization

Law and Economics



Department of Economics, University of British Columbia

Associate Professor, current

Courses Taught: Microeconomics II (PhD.), Intermediate Microeconomics, Topics in Microeconomics

Past Positions:

Department of Economics, University of Essex, U.K.

Professor, 2007-2009

Fuqua School of Business, Duke University

Visiting Associate Professor, 2007

Associate Professor of Business Administration, 2007

Assistant Professor of Business Administration, 2002-2007

Courses Taught: Managerial Economics (Daytime MBA Program), Competitive Analysis (Daytime MBA and Cross Continent Executive MBA Programs), Game Theory (PhD level)

- Excellence in Teaching Award, Elective course, Executive MBA Class of 2006.

Member of the Academic Council of Duke University, 2006-2007

National Fellow and John Campbell Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 2004-2005

Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1998-2002

Assistant Professor

Courses Taught: Advanced Microeconomic Theory (graduate),

Intermediate Microeconomics, Industrial Organization.

PhD student advising: Yasunari Tamada (Wisconsin Economics) Nataliya Kuribko, (Duke Economics)



Member of the Advisory Board - Canadian Journal of Economics, 2002-2006.

Associate Editor - Berkeley Journals in Theoretical Economics, 2006-.



[1]Competition Among Sellers Who Offer Auctions Instead of Prices’, with Michael Peters, Journal Of Economic Theory, 75[1], July 1997, pp. 141-179.

[2] ‘On Information Sharing and Incentives in R&D’, Rand Journal of Economics, 32, Autumn 2001, pp. 542-564.

[3] ‘Bequests as Signals: An Explanation for the Equal Division Puzzle’, with B. Douglas Bernheim, Journal of Political Economy, 111, August 2003.

[4] ‘Internet Auctions with Many Traders’, with Michael Peters, Journal Of Economic Theory 130, 2006, pp. 220-245.

[5] ‘Bequests as Signals: Implications for the Fiscal Policy’, Journal of Public Economics 90, 2006. pp. 1995-2008

[6] ‘Screening when Not All Agents Are Strategic: Does A Monopoly Need to Exclude?’, with Raymond Deneckere, RAND Journal of Economics, Winter 2006, pp. 816-841.

[7] ‘The Value of Information and Optimal Organization’, Rand Journal of Economics, 39[1], Spring 2008,pp. 238-265

[8] ‘Individually Rational, Balanced-Budget Bayesian Mechanism and Surplus Allocation’, with Grigory Kosenok, Journal of Economic Theory 140, 2008, pp. 126-161

[9]An Efficient Solution to the Informed Principal Problem’, Journal of Economic Theory, 141[1], July 2008, pp. 114-133

[10] ‘Mechanism Design with Partial State Verifiability’, with Raymond Deneckere, Games and Economic Behavior, November 2008, 487-513.

[11] ‘Ascending Double Auction’, with Michael Peters, Economic Theory, November 2008, Vol 37(2), pp. 281-306.

[12] ‘Investment Tournaments’, with Michael Schwarz, Journal of Labor Economics, October 2010 Vol. 28 (4), pp. 893-922.

[13] ‘Strategic Information Acquisition and Transmission’, with Rossella Argenziano and Francesco Squintani, American Economic Journal - Microeconomics, 2016, Vol. 8(3), pp. 119-155.

[14] 'Disclosure and Legal Advice', with Yeon-Koo Che, American Economic Journal - Microeconomics, 2016, Vol. 9(2), pp.188-225.

[15] 'Optimal and Efficient Mechanisms with Asymmetrically Budget Constrained Buyers', with A. Boulatov, Games and Economic Behavior, 2021, Vol 127 (May), pp.155-178.

[16] 'Investment and Information Acquisition', with Dimitri Migrow, American Economic Journal - Microeconomics, 2022, Vol. 14 (3), pp. 480-529.

[17] 'Screening, Signaling and Costly Misrepresentation', with Raymond Deneckere Canadian Journal of Economics, 2022, Vol. 55(3), pp. 1334-1370.

[18] 'Irrigation Intensity, Environmental Conditions and Crop Production in the Rio Grande- Bravo Basin (Mexico)', with Nicolas Sisto, Modernizing Irrigation and Drainage for a new Green Revolution. Transactions of the 23rd Congress of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage - Abstract Volume, 2017, Question 60 and 61, p.228, Mexico City.

[19] 'The potential benefits of reallocating water among agricultural users', with Nicolas Sisto, ANDULI Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales, 2022, 22, pp. 165-179.

[20] 'Growing Crops in Arid, Drought-Prone Environments: Adaptation and Mitigation', with Nicolas Sisto and Gilberto Aboites Manrique, Hydrology, 2022, 9, 129.

[21] ‘Who Wants to be an Auctioneer?’, with Gabor Virag, forthcoming at Journal of Economic Theory



‘Optimal Screening with Costly Misrepresentation’, with Raymond Deneckere (2017)

‘Mechanism Design with Ex-Post Individual Rationality and Budget Balance’, with Joon Soon (2018)

‘Dating and Divorce’, with Li Hao (2018)

‘Screening under Fixed Cost of Misrepresentation’, with Yin Chi (Terry) Tam (2018)

‘Influence Activities, Efficiency and Promotion in Organizations’ (2011)

‘Sustaining Cooperation through Delegation" (2009)

‘Methods of Multidimensional Screening,’ (2008)

‘Sequential Auctions with Budget Constraints,’ with Thomas Jeitschko (2010)



1. ‘Multidirectional Signaling’, with B. Douglas Bernheim.

2. ‘Optimal Debate and Trial Structure’, with Raymond Deneckere

3. ‘Signaling in Multiple Dimensions’, with Raymond Deneckere

4. ‘Networks, Hubs and Competition in the Airline Industry’, with Raymond Deneckere.

6. ‘Censorship and Sponsorship’, with Timofyi Mylovanov

7. ‘Sequential Contracting with Endogenous Timing’.



North American Meetings of the Econometric Society, 1998-2001, 2003, 2004. 2006, 2007

European Meetings of the Econometric Society, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002.

Canadian Economic Theory Conference, 1997-2006,2008, 2010, 2012, 2013

World Congress on Game Theory, 2004,2008.

Society for Economic Dynamics, 2004.

Society for Economic Design, 2006

International Conference on Game Theory, Stony Brook, 2000 

NSF/NBER Decentralization Conference, 2002-2005.

NSF General Equilibrium Conference, 2003.

Law and Mechanism Design Conference (2002),

Midwest Economic Theory Conference (2001), (2002)

Workshop on the Economics of Transition (1996) organized by the Social Science

Research Council, New York, held in St.Petersburg, Russia

Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics (2003).

WZB Conference on Economics and Psychology (2003).

NSF/CEME Conference on Mathematical Economics (2005)

Duke-Northwestern-Texas Industrial Organization Conference (2006)

Lisbon UECE Meetings on Games and Applications (2011, 2012)

Public Economic Theory Conference (2013)



Stanford University(2001, 2004), University of Pennsylvania (1998, 2004), University of Toronto (1998, 2003), Berkeley (2005), Duke University (1998, 2002), Vanderbilt University, University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin-Madison,  WZB Centrum, Berlin, Germany

Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Pennsylvania State University (1998,2005),

Graduate School of Business at Stanford University (2001, 2004), University of Florida- Gainesville (2001), Center for Economic and Financial Research (CEFIR), Moscow (2002),

UCLA (2002, 2004), Caltech (2002), University of Southern California (2002),

Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, London School of Economics (2002),

Oxford University (2002), McGill University (2003, 2004), London Business School(2003), University Carlos III-Madrid (2003), University Autonoma–Barcelona (2003), University of Arizona (2003, 2005), Northwestern University (2003),  UC Berkeley (2005), Georgetown University (2005), University of Montreal (2005), Simon Fraser University (2006), University of Bern, Switzerland (2006), University of Texas-Austin (2006), Essex University, UK (2006), Leicester University, UK (2006), Michigan State University (2007); UBC (2007), Yahoo Research (2007, 2008), Mannheim (2009), Erasmus (2009), UC Santa Barbara (2011);



Review of Economic Studies

American Economic Review


Journal of Political Economy

Rand Journal of Economics

Journal of Economic Theory

Games and Economic Behavior

Economic Theory

Canadian Journal of Economics

International Economic Review

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy

Journal of Law, Economics and Organization

Journal of Industrial Economics

Economic Journal

Economics Letters

Mathematics of Social Sciences

Manchester School

National Science Foundation

Book reviews: Academic Press, Addison Wesley Longman


Excellence in Teaching Award, Executive MBA Class of 2006, Fuqua School of Business

National Fellowship, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 2004-2005

Trent Foundation Research Grant (2004),

C.I.R.E.Q. Visitor, McGill University (2004),

Center for International Business Education and Research Travel Grants (2003-2006),

Sloan Foundation Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Economics (1997-1998)

John Olin Fellowship in Law and Economics, Stanford Law School (summers 1997,1998)

Fellow, Stanford Center on Conflict and Negotiation (1996)

Stanford University Fellowship (1993-1994)



Ad hoc commentator on business and economic issues, Voice of America Radio, Washington, D.C., in Russian. 2005-2006.



-Yahoo Research, Senior Research Scientist, 2008

- University of Wisconsin Consortium for Global Electronic Commerce, Member, 2001-2003

- Center for International Security and Arms Control, Stanford University

·        Research Assistant, 1994-1995

- KPMG Peat Marwick, San Francisco, CA, Consultant, Corporate Transactions Group, 1996